Saturday, October 12, 2013


I just left the Southern Festival of Books in Nashville, TN.  Wow, what a line-up!  C-SPAN doesn't shoot just any old event, people.  They were all over this one, though, and it's no mystery why.  Host Humanities Tennessee lined up the big names for this, their 25th anniversary.

Every year I look up the three-day schedule and start scoping out which panels, events and signings I want to hit.  There's always overlap, thus conflict, so I have to choose between missing out or being "that person" who tries to slink out of the room halfway through to try and double up.  However, today it all lined up magically, so I was able to navigate the day pretty smoothly.

I always end up meeting the nicest people at the festival.  Today was no different.  At Katy Butler's (fascinating) talk, I met Karen from South Dakota.  Karen has been coming every year since 2002.  She has friends from all over the country she's met here who also make the pilgrimage and has, "the time of my life for 2 1/2 days every year in Nashville."

There's something for everyone, and it's FREE!

Also free were the books I was given.  Advance copies distributed for review.  Check out the picture and take a look.  See anything you like?  Well, if you have liked my facebook for HEALING and follow me on twitter (@thegrieflady), take your pick and I'll have it in the mail to you this week.  My way of spreading the book love and saying thank you.

P.S.  Re: the recent post about whether or not to apply to present a workshop at the spiritual community?  Well, I submitted my proposal, and should hear this week.  Stay tuned......


  1. The Invisible Girls is on its way to Heidi Hornick of Knoxville. Which book would YOU like? Pick one and it's yours!

  2. Interested in Love Letters to the Dead. How does this work?

  3. I mailed out the books last week. I'm so sorry, Karen! Hopefully there will be another giveaway soon, though. Watch this space. :)

    Also, regarding the proposal P.S. from this post, notifications didn't go out last week as expected. The site director told me they will go out this week instead. I have a history of embracing bad odds, therefore I remain wildly optimistic!


When someone dies, (other than attending the service), I do this for the family-